2010 SHOW
Village Hall, Wilsden
Commencing 2 pm
Help required at the Hall on Saturday 20th from 7pm and on Sunday from 8am
Please contact Roger on 01274 568166 or
Jack on 01535 275270
We need - Cakes etc for the Teas
Prizes for the Tombola
Plenty of Exhibits
Again we are indebted to Simon Dickerson for producing the Show Programme and to John Bartle for ‘persuading’ local businesses to support the show through advertising. The programme not only depicts what exhibits you can enter but also acts as a local directory. John managed to find a butcher and a baker but drew a blank on a candlestick maker. Any suggestions let us know.
We still have a lengthy list of person waiting for allotments. Current tenants are reminded that at least 80% of the plot should be cultivated throughout the year.
Car Parking.
Allotment Holders are permitted to use the Church Car Park whilst working at the allotments but please display a ‘parking permit’ (obtainable from John) at all times. Please use your discretion when parking, e.g. not on Sunday mornings when there is a Service or at times of funerals etc. The WGA will be making a donation to the Church for this privilege.
I hope everyone who went to Yorkshire Lavender, Castle Howard and The Wetherby Whaler on the 18th July enjoyed the day out.
Arrangements are well under way for next years outing.
Have you paid your fees for this year. £4? If you know of anyone
wishing to join please see please see Catherine Bartle or Roger at
the show . Page 24 in the programme for details.
SUNDAY 16th MAY 2010
Village Hall, Wilsden
Dear Member
Following the success of the Spring Flower Show, in which we raised £250 for Manorlands, we now ask for your support at the Spring Fayre. Income from the Spring Fayre helps towards the presenting of the Annual Show which takes place on Sunday, 19th September, 2010 .
As usual Bedding Plants will be on sale and there will be a number of stalls in the Hall. Wilsden Band will be entertaining us and afternoon tea will be served.
We need:- Cakes, buns etc. for the teas
Plants for John’s WGA Stall
Unwanted books (paperbacks are the most popular)
Tombola Prizes
Please bring these items to the Village Hall or contact Roger on 01274 568166. Books can be left at the Village Hall for Roger at any time.
Our trip to Yorkshire Lavender, Castle Howard and The Wetherby Whaler on Sunday, 18th July 2010 is a sell out. All members who have indicated their intention of going on the trip will be contacted in the next few weeks regarding the arrangements for the day. We have a waiting list of members wishing to go on the trip so any person unable to go should contact Jack Clapham on 01535 275270 as soon as possible.
John Bartle has started his search for advertisers in the Show Programme. Sponsorship in this way is very beneficial to the success of the show. If you know of any business who could benefit from this kind of advertising please contact John on 01535 273102. We have a number of members who sponsor the show but new ones are always welcome.
Membership Fees for 2010 are £4. If you haven’t renewed please do so by visiting the Hut on Sunday morning or pay at the Spring Fayre
We are very lucky in having 17 volunteers who distribute our newsletters. The easiest way to distribute news is via the internet. If you have an email address please contact the membership secretary, Catherine Bartle on [email protected] and she will put you on our list. Newsletters are also published on www.wilsdengardeningassociation.com
January 2010
The Annual General Meeting will be held at the Conservative Club, Wellington Street, Wilsden on Monday, 22nd February, 2010 commencing at 8pm
Any items for the Agenda should be forwarded to the Secretary, Pat Gurney, 16 Moorview Drive, Lee Lane, Cottingley. Tel. 01274491542
Membership Fees (£4) and Allotment Rents (£26 for full plot) are now due. These can be paid at The Hut from Sunday, 7th February or by post to Catherine Bartle, Membership Secretary at 32 Birchlands Grove, Wilsden, Bradford. To help with reducing newsletter costs please let Catherine know your e-mail address at [email protected]
Members are reminded that our website at www.wilsdengardeningassociation.com is kept up to date with all WGA news. Please visit us.
The Hut will open on 7th February at 10am. Any member requiring bulk delivery of compost should contact Roger on 01274568166.
· Spring Flower Show Sunday, March, 28th 2010 at the Conservative Club between 12noon and 2pm.
· Spring Fayre, Sunday, 16th May 2010 at the Village Hall commencing 2pm
· Annual Trip, Sunday, 18th July 2010 (See below)
· Wilsden Show. Sunday, 19th September 2010 at the Village Hall commencing 2pm.
Leaving Wilsden at 9.15am we will be going to Yorkshire Lavender, Terrington, York for morning coffee and tour followed by a visit to Castle Howard House and Gardens in the afternoon. On the way home we will be calling at The Wetherby Whaler Fish Restaurant at Clifton, York for tea. Arriving home approx. 8pm. Full details on website. Cost including coffee, visit to house etc. and fish and chip tea is £20 per member and guest. Names to Jack Clapham on 01535 275270 from 7th. February.(Not before) Deposit £5 per person can be paid at the Hut.
(Full details of trip on the website)
We still have a big waiting list for allotments. Any person unable to cultivate their allotment should contact John Bartle a.s.a.p. Jan at the stables requests allotment holders to take as much manure as you want.
All members who participated in this year’s seed order should have received their orders. A discount of 45% will be given. Seeds can still be obtained but there will only be a 30% discount on new orders. (Contact Roger) Potatoes have been ordered but delivery still awaited.