Peter Ketley
01535 272541
[email protected],
This is our big event of the year and is held in the Village Hall on the 22th September 2013. Entry is by programme which cost £1. for adults and 50p. for children.
The staging of exhibits costing 20p. for each exhibit, begins at 8.00am. and finishes at 11.15am.
Judging takes place from 11.15am. until 1.30pm.
The show opens officially at 2pm.
There are well over 100 adult classes as well as many children's classes.
Prizes, cups and other trophies are presented after the show followed by an auction of any exhibits left on display.
Up to 500 people regularly attend the show, it is a major event in the life of Wilsden.
Please support us in any way you can. The businesses in and around the village support us by advertising in the show programme, this enables us to produce the programme each year.
New members can join the WGA at the show.
Outside the Wilsden band play for us, They are really excellent - did I say that before?

Outside, pansies , cyclamen and other plants, along with a selection of spring bulbs are available for purchase and inside teas, cakes and biscuits are for sale in the library.
An ever popular tombola, with excellent prizes, is run between the adult and children's and home produce exhibitions.